Editor: Debra Wierenga

9 results
Project ID Designer Client Category Date
Ideas: The Changing Office Environment Ideas: The Changing Office Environment 2052 Linda Powell 1978
Ideas: Recycling Space Ideas: Recycling Space 2043 Linda Powell 1978
Ideas: Worker Participation Ideas: Worker Participation 2063 Linda Powell 1981
Ideas: Environmental Influences Ideas: Environmental Influences 2055 Linda Powell 1979
Ideas: Word Processing Ideas: Word Processing 2040 Linda Powell 1978
Ideas: The Extended Office Ideas: The Extended Office 2061 Linda Powell 1980
Ideas: Managing the Facility Ideas: Managing the Facility 2050 Linda Powell 1979
Ideas: Design and the Office in Transition 2 Ideas: Design and the Office in Transition 2 2059 Linda Powell 1980
Ideas: Design and the Office in Transition 1 Ideas: Design and the Office in Transition 1 2057 Linda Powell 1979