Jonathan Mikulich
BS, Visual Communication,
MBA, Business Administration,
Ferris State University
Big Rapids, MI
Certification, Design and Innovation Management,
Kendall College of Art and Design
Grand Rapids, MI
Certification, Hispanic Marketing Communications,
Florida State University
Grand Rapids, MI
Board member
AIGA West Michigan
Grand Rapids, MI
Board member
Cherry Health Foundation
Grand Rapids, MI
Mexican Heritage Association
Grand Rapids, MI
Guest Presenter
Grand Rapids Area Professionals for Excellence
Guest Presenter
Davenport University Secrets of Success Series
Grand Rapids, MI
Guest Presenter
Latinos in Social Media National Conferences
Houston TX, New York NY
West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Comerece
Hispanic Business of the Year
Ferris State University
Pacesetter Distinguished Alumni
Smithsonian Institution's American Enterprise exhibition for the National Museum of American History